High Temperature Resistant Centrifugal Pump Installer
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    pompe auto-amorçante en plastique fluoré fzb

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  • pompe centrifuge en acier inoxydable
    ih pompe centrifuge à un étage d'eau de mer en acier inoxydable

    la pompe centrifuge à eau salée à un étage en acier inoxydable ih en acier inoxydable peut être en acier inoxydable 304.316.316l et super double phase. C’est une excellente pompe de transfert et de déchargement pour le transport de diverses concentrations d’eau de mer, d’eau salée et de solvants organiques.

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Pompe centrifuge à connexion directe doublée de téflon ihf-d

Pompe centrifuge à connexion directe doublée de téflon ihf-d

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Solution for Pumps in the New Energy Industry: Handling Corrosive Media


The new energy industry is rapidly expanding, encompassing fields such as wind energy, solar energy, bioenergy, and lithium-ion batteries. In the production processes of these industries, the transportation of corrosive media is often involved, requiring specialized chemical pumps to meet the demands of handling corrosive substances. Below are the processes that may involve the conveyance of corrosive media in various new energy sectors and the corresponding pump requirements.

1.Wind Energy Industry Wind Power Generation Process

In wind power generation facilities, structures like wind turbines and generator towers require periodic coating with anti-corrosion paint.

Pump Requirements: For the conveyance of anti-corrosion paint, diaphragm pumps or screw pumps made of corrosion-resistant materials are needed to ensure the stable transport and use of anti-corrosion coatings.

2.Solar Energy Industry Silicon Wafer Manufacturing Process

In the production of solar cells, the handling of acidic and alkaline solutions may be required.

Pump Requirements: For the transport of acidic and alkaline solutions, centrifugal pumps made of corrosion-resistant materials should be chosen, with consideration for pump sealing capabilities.

3.Bioenergy Industry Biomass Energy Process

In the production of biomass energy, the treatment of fermentation liquids and wastewater may be involved.

Pump Requirements: For handling fermentation liquids and wastewater, pumps with corrosion resistance are needed, taking into account situations involving solid particles.

Corrosion resistant pump

4.Lithium-ion Battery Industry Lithium-ion Battery Manufacturing Process

In the production of lithium-ion batteries, the transportation of solutions, which may be acidic or alkaline, is required.

Pump Requirements: For the conveyance of acidic or alkaline solutions, pump materials must be corrosion-resistant, while also ensuring pump sealing performance to prevent leaks.

Handling corrosive media is a critical challenge in the production processes of the new energy industry. Different industries have varying process characteristics and media properties, necessitating the selection of appropriate chemical pumps to ensure process stability and safety. Choosing the right pump type, material, and sealing method based on different process stages and media characteristics is essential to guarantee production efficiency and quality. We provide a range of specialized chemical pump solutions for the new energy industry to meet the demands of handling corrosive media in wind energy, solar energy, bioenergy, and lithium-ion battery production. Regardless of whether it's wind, solar, bioenergy, or lithium-ion, we can offer customized pump equipment to ensure your production processes are efficient, reliable, and safe.


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